How to track the original location of an email via its IP address

15 10 2007

Here’s a quick how-to guide on how you can track email to it’s originating location by figuring out the email’s IP address and looking it up. I have found this to be quite useful on many occasions for verification purposes since I receive lots of emails daily due to my blog. Tracking the IP address of an email sender does require looking at some technical details, so be ready to dig your heels in!

There are basically two steps involved in the process of tracking an email: find the IP address in the email header section and then look up the location of the IP address.


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Microsoft looks to remake itself

15 10 2007

NEW YORK ( — In an era where the Web is king, Microsoft is no longer regarded as a growth stock. But if the company’s bets on new businesses pan out, it could become one again.

Microsoft (Charts, Fortune 500) has had to play catch-up in many areas – video games, MP3 players and online advertising – with varying degrees of success.

The company’s new “Halo 3” game and Xbox console are increasingly important for Microsoft. The entertainment and devices division makes up 12 percent of Microsoft’s revenue and is the company’s fastest growing, with revenues increasing 28 percent in fiscal 2007, compared to overall sales growth of 15 percent.

But the Zune MP3 player, which is also part of the entertainment and devices division, failed to capture the attention of the iPod generation.


Top Blogs On Google Reader

15 10 2007

So Google recently made it fairly easy to determine the number of Google Reader subscribers around a particular blog. Gabe Rivera at Techmeme did a little work on excel and came up with an unofficial list of the top blogs and the number of subscribers each blog has on Google Reader. He sent the list around to people for comments – with his permission we’ve published it below.

This isn’t perfect because you have to think of the blog and then do a search for the stats; so some blogs may be left off. Also, some of these stats are aggregate numbers from different feeds for the same blog.


Microsoft buys comparative shopping site

12 10 2007

Microsoft has bought comparative shopping Web site, which gives its customers a cut of advertising revenue from retailers, offering a rebate on purchases made through the site.

Microsoft sees as a way to augment its e-commerce and search offerings, although no details were immediately available on how the company may transform the site or wrap it into other offerings. Microsoft revealed the acquisition in a blog posting Tuesday, but did not say how much it paid for the site.

“We think the technology has some interesting potential applications as we continue to invest heavily in shopping and commerce as a key component of Live Search,” Microsoft’s search engine blog announced.

Advertisers choose the level of commission they will pay to for sales made, at least half of which says it will give back to purchasers as a rebate. ranks products according to the price including that rebate.


Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) Looking Good So Far, Due in Q1 ’08

12 10 2007

The first service pack for Windows Vista is on its way, and PC Magazine has a preview of an early private beta version. The good news is that reviewer Neil Randall found the service pack to be faster overall than the shipping version of Windows Vista, and also noticed more drivers available and improved encryption. Randall also experienced applications within Adobe Creative Suite CS2 running faster, dialog boxes popping up more rapidly and other file copying speedups. This bodes well for the shipping version of SP1, which should be available along with Service Pack 3 of Windows XP (the last service pack for XP) in Q1 of 2008.


10 tips for improving your wireless network

12 10 2007

If Windows ever notifies you about a weak signal, it probably means your connection isn’t as fast or as reliable as it could be. Worse, you might lose your connection entirely in some parts of your home. If you’re looking to improve the signal for your wireless network, try some of these tips for extending your wireless range and improving your wireless network performance.

1.Position your wireless router (or wireless access point) in a central location.

When possible, place your wireless router in a central location in your home.


Adobe says Acrobat, Reader vulnerable to hacks

12 10 2007

BOSTON (Reuters) – Adobe Systems Inc, whose software is used by millions of people to read documents sent over the Internet, said on Wednesday some of its programs contain yet-to-be-fixed flaws that make computers vulnerable to attack.

On October 5, Adobe posted a notice on its Web site that said it had unknowingly incorporated vulnerabilities into versions of Adobe Reader and Acrobat software that could allow malicious programs to get on to a PC without the user’s knowledge.

Such malicious software can take control of a machine and steal confidential data, send out tens of thousands of spam e-mails, or infiltrate government computer systems.


Managing IP video on the network

29 09 2007

The growing popularity of video surveillance is fueled by the shift to IP video systems that are less expensive than traditional analog systems and make it easier to add or relocate cameras and multicast video signals to multiple locations.

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iPhone Re-Reviewed (Verdict: Don’t Buy)

29 09 2007

It’s about 3 months after the iPhone launch, and happy with the improvements, I was planning to change our “Wait” verdict to a full-on and rabid “Buy”. That wasn’t because of Apple, but because of the cool apps being offered by independent developers. All that came to an end yesterday after the new Apple firmware 1.1.1 neutered the handset. Sure, unlocked iPhones were broken. But more importantly, Apple wiped away the powerful programs that helped push the iPhone to greatness. With this, I’m going to have to move our recommendation from “Wait” to “Don’t hold your breath.” I’m done with this handset until third-party apps come back.

It’s understandable for Apple to wage a war on unlocking the iPhone, since the company shares revenue from fees with AT&T. But the truth is, if cellphone service was awesome, like it is on iTunes, there wouldn’t be a need to unlock the iPhone. Secondly, bricking these things is totally uncool, and apparently, malicious—according to some early code investigations by the independent iPhone Dev Team, Apple could have avoided this entirely.

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“Splat” Website Layout

28 09 2007

By using a few gradients, and applying the Wave filter, it’s possible to make this simple website layout.

I’d recommend you make this layout 720×720 pixels. I’ve made it smaller here, due to space constraints. (Using Photoshop is very hard in space 🙂

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